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  • fuel

The whole process of working with fuel sensors can be broken down into successive stages (in the subsections of stages you can find important options, terms, situations, etc.).

  1. Data preparation
    Option: Ignore the messages after the start of motion
    Term difference: 'Mileage-based calculation' VS 'Time-based calculation'
  2. Filtering
    Option: Filtering type
  3. Fillings detection
    Option: Minimum fuel filling volume
    Option: Detect fuel fillings only during stops
    Option: Calculate fuel filling volume by raw data
    Special case: How a filling is processed?
    Determining fuel fillings in the Fuel traffic table
  4. Drains detection
    Option: Minimum fuel drain volume
    Option: Detect fuel drains in motion
    Option: Idling
    Option: Calculate drain volume by raw data
    Special case: How a fuel drain is detected?
  5. Consumption calculation
    Option: Replace invalid values with those calculated mathematically
    Option: Exclude drains from fuel consumption
    Special case: How a filling and a drain are detected if they are split by an interval

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